During the season, we use Sign-up Genius to schedule our volunteers. We send this out via email. If you have not received an email from Sign-up Genius by Dec. 1st, please contact Coach Hills at ehills@shakopee.k12.mn.us.
Meet Volunteers Signup Genius Site
Timers: At each home meet, we need 16 timers. For each of the lanes of the pool, we need two timers. One of those timers holds a stopwatch while the other holds a button to activate our touch pads. No experience required.
Concessions: At each home meet, we have concessions for sale. Workers can work in short shifts during the meet so that they are able to watch it.
Team Dinner: After each home meet, we serve the athletes sandwiches, water, fruit, and more. We need help with food donations and serving the food to the athletes. Two grades will be assigned to help setup, take down, and provide the food for every meet.